The travel checklist you need for your next trip - Avalon Airport

The travel checklist you need for your next trip

Everyone likes to prepare for holidays in their own unique ways. Some people are incredibly organised, timing everything down to the minute, packing weeks ahead of time and having all their paperwork in order. 

Others choose to ‘go with the flow’, so to speak, preferring a much less rigid approach. Others still will sit somewhere between these two. But in your preflight hours when energies are high, even the most well-prepared of us can forget a thing or two. Luckily, we’ve prepared a checklist to make sure you’ve got the things you might take for granted.

Check your paperwork and check it again

  • ID/Passport: Domestic or international, you won’t get far without one or both of these official documents on your person, so pop these into your travel wallet at least a day before you leave.
  • Flights and accommodation: Everything is easily stored on your phone or smart device these days, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t recommend keeping a hard copy of all your travel bookings to go along with your digital copies.

Technically speaking…

  • Smart devices/laptops: If you don’t need them the day of your flight, try packing up these devices a day or two before and popping them straight into your carry-on luggage (this includes all your charging cords). At Avalon Airport, our new scanners mean you don’t even have to remove them from your bag anymore!
  • Headphones are another great one to pack early and can help with alleviating pressure in the ears during take-off.

Luggage, luggage, luggage

  • Extra clothes in carry-on: Sometimes things can go awry and luggage can be misplaced. That’s why we would recommend always keeping a change of clothes in your carry-on to ensure you’ve got something fresh for the hotel.
  • Don’t forget your luggage: You would be amazed how easy it is to lock up, get into your airport transport and realise halfway there you’ve forgotten the entire bag at home. Once you’ve packed everything and weighed your bag, lock it up and pop it by the front door or into your car (if you opt to drive yourself). 

On-flight amenities and self-care

  • Skincare and oral hygiene: As exciting as travel is, it can also wreak havoc on your body. Sticking to your normal hygiene and self-care routine is helpful to mitigate any effects on your body and mind. Pack your favourite moisturiser or skin spritz (under 100ml in the cabin, of course), and take time to brush your teeth and floss after meals as you normally would. 
  • Ear plugs and eye mask: Ear plugs and eye masks can aid in more relaxation on your flight, giving you a moment to disconnect and rest so you’re fresh for your arrival.

Have a must-have tip you use on your travel checklist? Let us know by connecting with us on Facebook and Instagram.

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